Friday, December 13, 2013

Python Coding

As well as creating Raster, Geocoding, Spatial Analysis and Interoperability data for the Trempealeau county data I was also tasked with creating python scripts which we would utilize in order to make our own selective tools. In order to do this I had to use the different sources that were available to me in the form of python. Arc GIS has an integrated python coding system with arcmap 10.2 which was very innovative and functional while the python script that is available to use on the University of Wisconsin lab computers is the Win Python coding system, this is a free to use python scripting software that is open source which can allow a multitude of options. The differences between the two are minor but significant at the same time.


I found that the integrated python scripting system that is in ArcGIS is more user friendly and allows the coding to be seen almost instantaneous. This also allowed me to mess around with the tools that are in Arc Map at the same time to see how they will be affected by my script. When I would code in the Arc Map python script help options would appear that would help with my understanding of the code I was scripting. In the Win Python application I could pull a window up to create a script and run later, this allowed for a free flow of coding that could be edited on the fly and saved in order to create tools. Using both of these python coding scripts I was able to create the three basic scripts that would create tools that were beneficial to Arc GIS.




                This script actually runs a Euclidean distance tool. in the scrip if the extension is available it will run a EucDistance tool on the bike route and create a cell size of 100, it will then save this distance in my folder as a new layer that I can use.


import arcpy

... from arcpy import env

... env.workspace = "H:/Documents/Esripress/Python/Data/Exercise05”

... if arcpy.CheckExtension ("spatial")=="Available":

...     arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial")

...     out_distance = ("bike_routes.shp", cell_size = 100)


...     arcpy.CheckInExtension("spatial")

# I left the below part out, if I tried to include it in the python script it would only return with Syntax Errors

>>>...     else:

...         print "spatial analyst license is not available."






                This next script that I created was a great undertaking as my coding was only in html before and that was during high school. So I was pretty rusty, however using the integrated python script in Arc Map I was able to create a code that would take a coordinate notation and that was incorrect and then project a correct coordinate system. In this case it took the Michigan coordinate system "Random_mi_project1" and converted it to the correct notation using the code arcpy.convertcoordinatenotation_management I then told it to project the coordinate system into UTM zoning, thus creating a correct coordinate notation.



Final Script to convert to UTM


#This is telling python to import arc python into the script. it is also setting the environment workspace

Import arcpy

from arcpy import env



#This is the code that is creating the new coordinate notation, it is switiching the notation from the incorrect notation into the correct UTM coordinates


arcpy.ConvertCoordinateNotation_management("random_mi_project1","H:/documents/arcgis/default.gdb/randomconvertutm", "POINT_X","POINT_Y","DD_2","UTM_ZONES","","")


# This is the final result that can be found


<Result 'H:\\documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\randomconvertutm'>









This code allows me to print both the field class of a feature class as well as the shapes that they represent. To do this I used the append feature that allowed me to enter my own messages to the counties, polygons, and points. I marked Railroads, Counties and Cities as points, Lines, and Polygons that when told to print would print the name and type of shape file it is. I also used the field list to print the fields that they represent. This code is helpful to know because it lists all the feature classes that are as points, lines, and polygons. for example if I was curious to know what the points are I could use this script to find out that the points are cities. I can then use other codes to print out a list of the cities in the form of points and change the titles. I can also go and my own points and feature classes using this script, for example I could say points=["cities.shp","towns.shp"] and the points will be written that towns and cities are points.


import arcpy

from arcpy import env

env.Workspace= "H:/documents/esripress/python/data/exercise06"

# fclist is the feature class list, what I am telling python to do is to create a list of feature classes based on the list of "fclist"

fclist= arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()

print fclist

Lines= ["Railroads.shp"]

Polygons= ["Counties.shp"]


Points.append("Are all point feature classes")

Lines.append("Are all line feature classes")

Polygons.append("Are all polygon feature classes")

print Points

print Lines

print Polygons

fieldlist= arcpy.ListFields("Railroads.shp")

fieldlist= arcpy.ListFields("Counties.shp")

fieldlist= arcpy.ListFields("Cities.shp"]

for field in fieldlist:

    print + ""+ field.type


                This code allows me to create a feature point class that only allows the points to exist that only have the attribute of having Sea Plane Bases inside the attribute table. This allows me to select points based on attribute table data, for example, Sea Plane Bases. I can then use this code to create a buffer around the sea plane bases to create a buffered base, in this case I took the sea plane bases and created a buffer of 7500 meters from the buffer_analysis script tool.


import arcpy

from arcpy import env

env.workspace= "H:/documents/esripress/python/data/exercise07"

import arcpy

from arcpy import env

env.workspace= "H:/documents/esripress/python/data/exercise07"

infc= "airports.shp"

outfc= "results/airports_seabases.shp"

delimitedfield= arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(infc, "FEATURE")

arcpy.Select_analysis(infc, outfc, delimitedfield+ " = 'Seaplane Base'")

fc= "airports_Seabases.shp"

unique_name= arcpy.CreateUniqueName("Results/seaplanebuffer.shp")

arcpy.Buffer_analysis(fc, unique_name, "7500 METERS")

fc= "airports.shp"

unique_name= arcpy.CreateUniqueName("Results/buffer.shp")

arcpy.Buffer_analysis(fc, unique_name, "15000 METERS")


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